
+1 (571) 207-9236

La Rioja

When you talk about La Rioja, you are talking of wine. In this region everything focuses on wine, so, even you do not know a lot about this amazing beverage, if you visit this land, you will end up getting more knowledges than you expected because it will touch all of your senses to an incredible depth. Wine is for sharing and La Rioja know how to do it.

With over 500 wineries you will be able to learn nearly everything about wine-ucation in an exciting way. A wide range of tasting courses will show you not only the most distinctive flavors, but also you will see the hard work that goes into wine production – from grape to bottle, what is its like to tread grapes, the work of land… La Rioja has an unique culture that you must not miss.

But, incredible as it may seem, La Rioja also highlights because of its natural beautiful landscapes, its lively and medieval towns, its quaint small villages, its quiet pilgrim churches, its supremely design. La Rioja is a mix for loving without measure.

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